Sheppard Rehabilitation Residential TBI Care.
Assisting adults with Traumatic Brain
Injuries for over 25 years
Our approach
We work to ensure that our clients are able to live semi-independently in the community and engage with the community in a positive way. Our Staff and Managers work with outside treatment professionals to ensure that every client is getting the care and developing the skills they need.
Structured Independence
Our clients live in their own apartment and have access to staff from 8am to 10pm and emergency access to managers around the clock.
Sheppard Rehabilitation is in Rochester Hills, MI
Our office, Day Activities Center, and the client apartments are all within a few miles, but clients have access to services throughout Southeast Michigan.
Working with Other Professionals
We work with outside Medical Professionals and other Rehabilitation programs to ensure that clients have access to all of the health care programs they need to be successful in the community .